
Writing doesn’t always come easy. Some books, once I get going, seem to flow with the next round of scenes laying themselves out as I finish the current one. Or the next steps in the adventure coming to me at night as I think about the story. This one is different. It’s a good story, but it’s coming slowly. I’m writing over this Labor Day weekend (no rest for the wicked) since my progress is slow. Scenes I wrote a couple of days ago; I go back and find I need to rework them. The story is getting refined as it gets written. My habit is to read through what I wrote the day before and correct it as needed before I start on the next chapters. I once read somewhere that Hemmingway always read his work from the beginning to where he left off before writing more. That seems like an overwhelming effort, but I can’t argue with his results. The question lurks in the back of my mind: do I give enough to the effort to warrant accolades and good reviews? I always intend to.

The general plot is in my mind, but so many details are yet to be established. I interrupt my writing with research when I put in something I’m not sure about. I never want to write details that are not real. It’s fun, though I’m not sure what some might think of my searching for the best light machine gun or the best explosive to use (Semtex seems to be a favorite of terrorists). I expect the FBI to show up on my door someday.

Added to all of this are health issues with my wife. They are not life-threatening but require my attention. You know the vow, for better or worse, in sickness and in health. That’s part of what we married people sign up for.

Maybe you’re wondering why I’m going on about this. It is because I’m behind on my timeline, which is to get this next Dan Stone story published by Black Friday. I haven’t given up on that goal, but I guess I’m alerting you, my reader, to the fact that I may be late. I will get the book out before we roll over into 2025, and it will be the best I can offer. The plot is quite involved, as has been my style, with some very large attacks that create a great deal of response from various countries. All of that makes it trickier to insert Dan into the mix. We’re back in Europe, which I enjoy, as I hope you do. The mix of cultures and the uncovering of new information about obscure places is fun for me and, hopefully, enjoyable for you to read.

So, bear with me. I’m staying at the desk and working hard to get this book done and give you a great holiday read.

If you haven’t yet done so, you can check out my other books here.

Be Well and Stay Safe.

One Comment

    • Lynn Angelo

    • 1 month ago

    I’m always anxious to read one of your books, David, but do it in your time. I hope all goes well with your wife I love the detail in your books and wondered how you knew so much about Dan’s many tools of destruction!

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