
It’s finally done! Even after typing those two magic words, “The End”, there’s still much to do. But I’ve finally finished my revisions and am ready to publish.

Ready for summer reading. I’ve moved my publication date for “The Orphan Girl” up to Thursday, May 30. Those of you who pre-ordered the ebook will receive a copy within a week. I received great feedback from my alpha and beta readers, and it took some time to incorporate all the improvements into the final manuscript. The result of the extra time is (I think) a much better story, one I hope you will all enjoy. Again, thanks to my beta readers. I’ve called you out on my acknowledgments at the front of the book.

The ebook is available for $1.99, with similar discounts for my UK, Canadian, and Australian readers. Take advantage of the half-price intro. After about a week, I will raise the price to the normal $3.99, and its equivalent in my other markets. You can order the ebook here.

As always, I appreciate my readers writing a short review. They don’t have to be long and they provide important feedback and “social proof” for the work. New readers, sifting through thousands of authors rely on reviews to make a decision to try out a new writer. Thank you in advance for submitting a review.

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