
It Doesn’t Always Come Easy

Writing doesn’t always come easy. Some books, once I get going, seem to flow with the next round of scenes laying themselves out as I finish the current one. Or the next steps in the adventure coming to me at night as I think about the story. This one is different. It’s a good story, […]

“The Orphan Girl” Coming Soon

It’s finally done! Even after typing those two magic words, “The End”, there’s still much to do. But I’ve finally finished my revisions and am ready to publish. Ready for summer reading. I’ve moved my publication date for “The Orphan Girl” up to Thursday, May 30. Those of you who pre-ordered the ebook will receive […]

New Dan Stone Novel Completed

Getting close to publishing my latest novel, “The Orphan Girl.” I’m excited! The story has some complex plot lines, but I bring it all together in the end. Not without a lot of action by Dan and his Delta Force buddies along the way, doing what they do best, wreak havoc on the bad guys. […]

Thoughts on Success

I’ve pulled this from an article I wrote years ago. It’s still pertinent. I’m in my fifth career as a writer; I’ve had some experience with success in the four other fields of endeavor: teacher, motorcycle racer, motorcycle dealer, and fitness equipment store chain owner. In each of these, I learned more clearly what is […]

Amazon Ebook Sale

I received a notice from Amazon that my ebook, “The Assassin and the Pianist” was selected to be put on sale for the month of March. Amazon has marked it down to half price at $1.99. The often talked about algorithms have decided that one of my Dan Stone thrillers is worth a prod on […]

Difficult Book, Serious Subject

Whitney Webb. Remember that name. She is a young investigative journalist, wife, and mother of two young children. She has written a two-volume book with the hefty title: “One Nation Under Blackmail: The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Organized Crime That Gave Rise to Jeffrey Epstein.” Many will probably consider her a conspiracy theorist. However, […]

My Next Book

I’m closing in on 50% complete for my next Dan Stone thriller. I started with the working title, “The China Connection”. As the story got going, though, a young girl, Emilie is her name, inserted herself into the manuscript. The working title is now “The Orphan Girl”. I know, quite a shift, but I think […]

Happy New Year

A few days into the new year and things are finally settling down for me. I tried to keep working on my next Dan Stone novel through the holidays, but my being the chief person responsible for making things go smoothly, took over most of my time. This past week, my wife and I were […]

It’s not Black Friday, it’s Thriller Friday

My latest Dan Stone thriller, The Revenger, is out the Friday after Thanksgiving. As promised, I have reduced the price to $1.99 for the ebook on its release. That price will go up after about a week, so get your ebook copy right away and save a couple of bucks for a good cup of […]

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