
Two Wonderful Words

Just wrote those two wonderful words, “The End”. But it’s not, really. There’s much work to do polishing the manuscript to make it ready for publication. First, after taking a deep breath (and maybe a day off), I start reading the text out loud. One hears with a different ear and it’s amazing what I […]

Reflections on the Writing Process

As I near the completion of my new novel, The Revenger, I’m thinking ahead to the polishing and refining process which makes me aware of some glitches encountered in writing a full-length book. I thought it might be interesting to share some of my thoughts with you. First the easy one. Sometimes in a book […]

Sneak Peek at My New Book

You’ve been patient as my 7th Dan Stone thriller comes together. I’m getting close. The book should be out this fall. To thank you for your patience, I’m attaching a link to the first chapter of the book. I hope you enjoy it. A bombing occurs almost simultaneously in DC and Jerusalem, indicating a high […]

Free Book

It’s been a while since I’ve posted a blog. I have reworked my website to make it much more current. I’ve also added a new piece of writing to give away to visitors who sign up for my Reader Group. You can find the offer form on the landing page as well as others on […]

Special Kindle Sale!

Kindle decided they like my book, “Scorpion,” enough to promote it. They are going to reduce the price on June 8. “Scorpion” will be available for only $1.99 USD. For you Canadian readers, it will also be only $1.99 Canadian! That’s quite a savings for my northern readers. I’m not sure how long the sale […]

Writing Updates

New Website This is my first blog on my new website which I’ve finally gotten around to redesigning. The old one had become outdated and only partially functional–I couldn”t even post a blog. After exploring a couple of low-cost solutions, I bit the bullet, so to speak, and hired a professional designer. He runs a […]


Looking for a bargain? Kindle is offering my second Dan Stone book, “The Shaman” for only $1.99, starting January 1. That’s 50% off the regular price of $3.99! Already read the book? Let your friends know about the sale. It’s a good way to introduce them into the series. (They can always go back to […]

The Move from Hell

Well, our move is finally completed. Now we’ll be unpacking boxes for the next six months and asking “Where is the _____?” You fill in the blank. It’s been a bit of an hellacious experience softened by family and friends. I won’t belabor you with tales of medical insurance issues exacerbated by a true medical […]

Musings on writing PA and thriller fiction

Since I write in both genres, I thought I’d share my observations with you. There are differences. After multiple books in both categories, I’ve realized it’s a harder to write PA fiction than thrillers. With post-apocalyptic fiction, if you’re writing a series, you have to bring the time line forward. When you do, you have […]

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