
A prepper question from the baby boom generation

A reader asked whether or not there was a place for older, less mechanically skilled people in prepper groups; or are they on their own. It’s a good question.  I spent some time looking across the internet on prepper sites. Some had contact forms, so I asked that question. The answers I received showed me […]

Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) and Its Effects

Since my novel, After the Fall: Jason’s Tale, takes place after an EMP attack on the United States, I thought it might be good to write about what our experts in Washington think about this threat. E1-E2-E3: First, the bones of an EMP: there are three parts to the “pulse”, cleverly labeled E1, E2 and […]

Audio Book Completed

It’s out! The audio version of “After the Fall: Jason’s Tale” is available on Follow this link to connect. By Monday or Tuesday you’ll also be able to purchase it from Amazon and iTunes. The narration took longer than I expected to complete, but what did I know? I started the project last summer. […]

Sequel Update

Off to the Editor I sent the manuscript off to an editor last week.  He’ll take over 100 hours to go through it.  It’s a very particular skill set and the author is definitely not the one to edit their own work. I’m sure I’ll need a hug and words of encouragement after I go […]

Thoughts on success

While I am a new to writing, I’ve had some experience with success in three other fields of endeavor:  motorcycle racing, motorcycle dealer, and fitness equipment store chain owner.  In each of these I learned more clearly what is necessary for success.  So many have written about how success is a matter of hard work, […]

Audio Book

I recently signed a contract to produce an audio version of After the Fall: Jason’s Tale.  The narrator is Gabriel Zacchai, a folk singer/writer, teller of stories and book narrator from Maine.  He’s done two other book as far as I know and has an honest sounding, down-home voice that will bring Jason alive.  Check […]

Thoughts on Post Apocalyptic Literature

Post apocalyptic (PA) literature is an interesting genre in which to write.  Modern examples of this genre go back to the thirties through the fifties with Brave New World, 1984, Alas Babylon, The Earth Abides and others.  They are the grandparents of the modern tale. The interesting element for a writer is that the world […]

Novel Revision and Sequel Update

Just finished revising After the Fall: Jason’s Tale; a friend read the book and she has a natural gift for proofreading. She uncovered about 15 small proofing errors which I corrected over Memorial Day weekend. I smoothed out a few other passages along the way and toned down one scene.  It was important as a […]

The Big “UN”

No, it’s not the U.N. but the “un” agented and “un” published.  More correctly referred to as the great “un” washed.  These are the masses of people who write stories and have the temerity to try to sell them.  Literature is unique amongst the arts.  Many people cannot carry a tune, read music, play an […]

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