
The Orhan Girl: Book 9 in the Dan Stone Series (Assassin Series)

(1 customer review)

A family attacked in Mexico City. All killed except for a young girl. She happens to be a friend and favorite of Dan Stone. It’s personal, and now he’s out to make the perpetrators pay. Along the way, Dan unearths multiple conspiracies. Taking the bull by the horns, he does what he does best: bring the fight to the enemy up close and personal.

Book nine in the Dan Stone Assassin series offers interweaving sub-plots and non-stop action as Dan wreaks havoc on those who dared to attack the ones he loves. The action runs from Mexico to D.C. as Dan pursues his enemies. Like Mitch Rapp on the loose.


1 review for The Orhan Girl: Book 9 in the Dan Stone Series (Assassin Series)

  1. admin


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