Author: David Nees

Musings on writing PA and thriller fiction

Since I write in both genres, I thought I’d share my observations with you. There are differences. After multiple books in both categories, I’ve realized it’s a harder to write PA fiction than thrillers. With post-apocalyptic fiction, if you’re writing a series, you have to bring the time line forward. When you do, you have […]

Summer Reading

As we approach the astronomical beginning of summer (summer solstice), I’d like to offer a few recommendations for the season’s reading. That is, if you’ve read all my books and need something to tide you over until “Death in the Congo” comes out. My first recommendation is a rather unusual book, titled “A Gentleman in […]

Music featured in “The Assassin and the Pianist”

In my upcoming novel, “The Assassin and the Pianist”, I delve into the world of a concert pianist. I attempt to show the commitment and dedication necessary to perform at a world-class level. It is a world of pursuit of perfection with attention to details and nuances in the music that “regular” people cannot see. […]

Update and new honor given:

How the writing goes: Some books flow easily from brain to (not paper, but) Word file; some do not. “The Assassin and the Pianist” (working title for now) is one of the latter. My goal, adopted from Stephen King, is to write 3,000 words per day. I don’t often hit the mark, but anything over […]

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